Chanel opened up a new boutique in SoHo during Fashion Week. It was a very intimate party, and I have never seen so much fashionistas crammed into such a small space before!
People who know me know that I am a closeted hippy to a degree, and I used to not be into fashion at all. A lot of California NATIVES are jeans and T-shirts girls, no makeup. I do like the expressive part of dressing up, but I’m not a label groupie, but if I like what the actual designer stands for, then that’s a different story. What I mean is that I like Chanel for different reasons then other girls may like the brand. I don’t like Chanel for pretentious and superficial reasons. I like what the real woman, Coco Chanel, symbolized. Like Chanel, I was an orphan who had a very challenging upbringing, yet never gave up on love. I too have been let down so many times by family and society, which has inspired me to have this strong drive to make it on my own terms, no matter how hard or long it takes. Like Chanel, I own myself, no one owns me. In a time when most women felt the need to be dependent, Chanel was a pioneer who defined what it meant to be a career woman. Chanel also believed in true love, and ignored the bitter hearts around her who told her to settle. So when I wear Chanel, it’s not because I feel self worth comes from how much one’s outfit costs, but because Chanel makes me want to follow my dreams no matter how many times I hear "no", and because I know one day I am going to buy my OWN house with the profits from my OWN company. (Though I love Chanel, I will never, ever wear fur)
Paula Patton and Robin Thicke are one of the cutest Hollywood married couples!!!!!
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