It was my first Alvin & Ailey performance and the powerful dancing, accompanied with majestic music, was spectacular! First Lady Michelle Obama was an honorary chair, and I was heartbroken that she was unable to attend. Supermodel Iman also guest chaired the event. John Legend gave a magnificent performance while he sang and played the piano, with a dancer joining him. One dance performance was played to classical music; another to jazz, and my personal favorite was to Black church music. This was new Artistic Director Robert Battle inaugural event. Following the opening night performance at New York City Center was the dinner gala at the Hyatt Hotel. It sure was an immaculate set up! And unlike other dinner events which could be a bit unexciting, this dinner surrounded a large dance floor! How could they expect us to enjoy some of the most talented dancers in the world and not feel inspired to dance ourselves? I sure did have a good time!
California girl Ashley runs away from her home in LA to go to The Big Apple to find inspiration for her writing. With a background in entertainment public relations, journalism & activism in social issues and politics, mixed with her quest for spiritual enlightenment, she throws herself into the center of all facets of New York City culture, & starts a blog, "Ashley and New York".

Iman Hosts Alvin Ailey Opening Night Gala Benefit; Welcomes New Artistic Director Robert Battle; John Legend Performs
It was my first Alvin & Ailey performance and the powerful dancing, accompanied with majestic music, was spectacular! First Lady Michelle Obama was an honorary chair, and I was heartbroken that she was unable to attend. Supermodel Iman also guest chaired the event. John Legend gave a magnificent performance while he sang and played the piano, with a dancer joining him. One dance performance was played to classical music; another to jazz, and my personal favorite was to Black church music. This was new Artistic Director Robert Battle inaugural event. Following the opening night performance at New York City Center was the dinner gala at the Hyatt Hotel. It sure was an immaculate set up! And unlike other dinner events which could be a bit unexciting, this dinner surrounded a large dance floor! How could they expect us to enjoy some of the most talented dancers in the world and not feel inspired to dance ourselves? I sure did have a good time!
Natasha Bedingfield Performs @ UNICEF Snowflake Ball
actress Zoe Kravitz has great style!
actress Angie Harmon looked like a supermodel all glammed up!
The annual UNICEF Snowflake Ball brought out many celebrities and philanthropists to support better lives for children around the world in third world countries. Sharon Taylor accepted the Spirit of Compassion Award on of behalf of Mark B. Grier of Prudnetial. The Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award went to Ken Hayami, Executive Director/Secretary General, Japan Committee for UNICEF.
Natasha Bedingfield performed three songs, including one of my favorite songs, ‘Unwritten’. Young People's Chorus of New York City also blessed the crowd with singingUNICEF employees, volunteers and gala guests having drinks across the street after event
Girl Power! Alicia Blythewood (L), Pamela Joyner (2nd from L), Deb Shriver (3rd from R), Dayle Haddon (2nd from R)
Senior Vice President of Prudential Financial Sharon Taylor accepts award
LaTanya & Samuel L. Jackson and Grace Hightower & Robert De Niro Honored at The Metropolitan's 2nd Multicultural Gala
Donna Williams, Audience Development Officer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, tells Ashley and New York: "
The Multicultural Audience Development initiative here at the museum is veryLaTayna Richardson Jackson tells Ashley and New York:
important because it makes all the cultures come together under one roof. We’re
very lucky that we so have so many different beautiful cultures represented. We
have over eighteen different cultures. This is a place where you can be educated
about art without anyone telling you anything and you can learn through history,
we’re just so pleased that people come here and that they’re inspired by our
beautiful artwork and we want to do even more of it. Every day we work very
hard, so be a part of our Met family"
"It is important that people of all cultures become a part of a museum which
we contribute so heavily to. And so I encourage everyone to come out and support
this museum because we financially support it without your tax dollars"