
Girls for Gender Equity Celebrates 10th Anniversary w/ Awards Event & Discussion w/ Honoree Anita Hill @ Brooklyn Historical Society - June 14th, 2012

Last night Girls for Gender Equity (GGE) celebrated their 10th Anniversary of creating change for all girls and women! The festivities were held at The Brooklyn Historical Society. The Woman Of The Decade Award was given to Professor Anita Hill for her trailing blazing work. Professor Hill has been a major force in confronting and eradicating sexual harassment in the work place. I felt blessed to have told Anita thank you for taking a stand, because to me it feels like she took a stand for all of us females!

Anita Hill tells Ashley & New York readers:
 "Be yourself and surround yourself with people who know you and love you, and they will hear your truth." 
- Anita Hill, June 14th, 2012, Brooklyn Historical Society

Anita Hill signed copies of her latest book, Reimagining Equality: Stories of Gender, Race and Finding Home.  Her autobiography is named Speaking Truth to Power (love that title!).

Three teenagers who are part of GGE had a discussion on stage with Professor Hill. It was a very positive coversation about how to empower the youth to take action for their community. The topic of the new stadium being built was highlighted by Hill.
GGE's Executive Director, Joanne Smith, founded GGE ten years ago.
PHOTO: The night had many award honorees (shown above). The two Youth Activist Awards went to Ashley Lewis and Nefertiti Martin. The Ttitle IX Leadrship Award went to Vanessa Valenti, who is the co-founder and current managing editor of Feministing.com, the largest feminist online community. The two Title IV Champion Awards went to Alexis Seely, former Health and Fitness Program Coordinator at GGE, and Nia Oden, who has been a part of GGE for a whole decade since she began her basketball career in GGE's Health and Fitness Program. Oden now has an athletic scholarship at Univeristy of Illinois Urbana-Chamlaign. The two Social Agent Awards went to Meghan Huppuch, GGE's Director of Community Organizing, and is an author, and Mandy Van Deven, former Associate Director at GGE, author and speaker. The two Education For Justice Awards went to Toyia Taylor, former Urban Leaders Academy Program Director at GGE and founder of Sisterhood student group and Nicole Hamiltion, current Urban Leaders Academy Program Director. We done ladies! Keep up the good work!
Supporters and board members of GGE
with Vanessa Valenti, co-founder and current managing editor of Feministing.com. Congrats to her for winning the Ttitle IX Leadrship Award.
Feminists and bloggers for change!

Joanne Smith is given a pair of sneakers from the GGE board as a momento for the special occassion

Joanne Smith and Anita Hill chat after the program